We run from time to time a procedure called "optimize" tables.
To optimize the location of data in the table, that is, to compress it, removing empty space from the data
The reason for this exercise is to increase the performance of Navision.
Could anybody explain the architecture of this c/side database?
If this is a dynamic database - why would I need to compress?
I know relational database from AS/400 or now I5Server and c/side looks to me pretty much like the file system storage on IBM S/36 with physical and logical files which needed to be re-indexed to maintain acceptable access performance.
I would be grateful to know more about this subject. So thanks for any reply.
Search the MIBUSO for optimize, there are more posts about that, may be there is somewhere more details...
And optimize on SQL is another thing...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I think this database c/side isn't a real RDB in the terms of Physical Data Independence and I really hope that changing to SQL Server will improve access performance, or? Do you have experience with Navision on SQL Server?
I appreciate your professional input as I find it hard to get an inside look at this application from our previous Navision Partner. It was badly setup and add-ons we paid for don't work.
BTW, I couldn't find many postings on this issue.
Thanks ;-)
1) Navision DB is optimized for Navision style of work...
2) Navision DB is very good in performance...
3) Navision DB is just limited with one CPU and limited Memory size, it is why MS SQL is better in bigger solutions
4) SQL is not cure for performance problems. You will have another problem - locking... :-)
5) I recommend using SQL for bigger installations (for example 40 and more users, but do not take this as rule...) or when you need to connect external applications to the DB.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Working with MS/QRY is impossible when you have more then 500,000 records in Table 17 and you use more then two criteria and/or join tables.
With c/side database you can/t use outer-joins.
The Qry times out with increasing records., i.e designed queries become obsolete
2. Crystal Reports
After the date field has changed from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy hh/ss all the crystal reports failed to run.
We have now reached in Table 17 - 1,400,000 records size 655944 KB.
There are maintenance tools to decrease the size such as "Date Compression" but I don't know whether this will improve the situation.
Any recommandations?
However here are infos from our IT Guys:
dual 3.06 xeon, 2gb ram (Navision Live is allocated the maximum ram which is 1gb), 4 x 18gb SCSI disk RAID 1+0, gigabit ethernet on gigabit switch.
Server specs are not an issue. I have noticed Navision is hard on the network, its like it pulls all data across to client.
did it time out?
did it crash?
did it give you any error messages?
Just out of curiosity..
when you go File->Database->Information->Tables
what is the optimization % of table 17.
I'm assuming you think it's becasue of the size of the Table that you are having problems, correct?
From my memory it produced an error message, which had definitely to do with the change of the date field.
We going to SQL reporting services and I won't spend more time with crystal. It was just an example.
We basically maintaining two different accounting systems
1. in Navision for processing
2. Qry and Excel for reports
not very efficient, but as report writing in Navision needs programming expertise and training...
I worked with many different accounting systems - customized and standard but still haven't figured out the global concept of Navision.
Are there any references I could use?
Optimization is 93.9 - sounds not to bad, or?
It takes up to 45min and you need exclusive use of the system. How do you manage that?
Are you doing a backup before?
Is it possible to block users from login for this purpose?
I wish it was a more complicated answer - but it's my company & I'm simply the last one in the building. My backup usually takes about 25 mins w/a 17 gb database. I just copy the complete database (as is) to another PC in the building on the same network. makes things much faster. If for some some reason I need to restore its as simple as coping it back. saves tons of time compared to restoring. The main rtwo tables are Item deger entries (which is huge) it can go from 95% to 75% within a week if i don't optimize and the other is Value Entries. These are very big tables & I like to keep them in check.
do you use Hotcopy?
there are others like expandit has
http://www.expandit.com/templates/expan ... log_id=616
If this is an ongoing maintenance issue I would like to do it automatically.
What else are computer systems for???
Currently my client has 35GB and 60 concurrent user using navision SP1 and SQL2000. It went live from this january 2006 and just 5 months the data blow. Their machine ML370 dual processor 3.2 ghz raid 0+1 10k rpm SCSI. bandwith transaction per day 600Mb.
Optimisation took us 4 hours and running weekly
Full backup took 1 hour, incremental hasve not tested yet
Restore and re-indexing took 12 hours for 35 GB
Adjust costing big transaction item with serial number can goes to 9 hours and some items goes beyond 12 hrs and we do this weekly and cutting down to daily.
Does anyone here have ever used MSA-Network storage or perhaps larger than dual processor, and or maintain a database larger than 100GB. If do, please kindly share with me onto how to maximise our time againt jumbo database.
2) You need to otimize SIFT tables and Indexes
3) 8GB RAM is optimal for you, you can use 4CPU
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Have you considered about costing method..?
will it have influnce on it..?
detail in:
DL 380 G4
3.2 Ghz XEON Dual Processor
4 GB RAM, 6 x Hard drive totaling 300GB 15k rpm
RAID 0+1
full backup : 1 hr, full restore : 12 hr
DL580 G4
3.2 Ghz DUAL CORE 4 Processors
4 GB RAM, 4x Hardrive SAS 10K rpm
full backup : 1 hr 45 min, full restore : >24 hrs *i cancel it, it was just abnormal*
RX2600 Itanium 64 bit
MSA1000 Network Storage with fibre channel
10 x 72.8 Hard rive 15K rpm (7x data - 3 x log)
i just did a full restore, still abnormal the restore > 24hrs
By having large database size what i thought is really usefull was having many hardrives to maintain, and the peculiar thing was that navision performance was even slower. Sure i was confused, using a small machine like dl380 dual processor was even faster compare to dl580 4 processors DUAL CORE!!!! Whilst looking the perf monitor, the activity of restoration was very high on avg. write queue length and memory and processor time was really stable. Yet i have not dare to try this on productive db, i am afraid the performance will even slower for activity like adjust costing and optimisation.
If someone ever try to compare, or perhaps has a large machine as big as 4 processors with navision v.4 sp1 on it. and how it is actually performed ?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
maybe someone can find it useful for SQL
maybe someone can find it useful for NATIVE
detail in:
I am in the same situation as you. By next yeay one of our clients will have probably 150 users. Navision will interact with 4 or 5 external aplication, you can realize that we need a "space ship" for the Navision Sql Server
Best Regards
1. SQL Profiler did not shows any funny slow in performance for each event processing, but we found that amount of high paging file is written to disk may cause slowness
2. Since we check onto 3 machines just doing backup restore, we are suspecting the navision application code written against the machine architecture. However, we do not know how to check this .... anyone ? In coherence, the iterate processing like adjust costing and or optimisation are affected by 3 different machines' specs as i stated above.
3. Hypertrading did not cause any slow in performance.
4. Memory plays big role on paging/swap files, one to two processor increase great performance to 60-70% but when you increase to 4 it is just slight increase. Moredisks suppose to be increase in writing activities however when we test with MSA-1000 it fails to do so *i am going to re-test this with different machines*, however four disks for data, 2 disk for logs, 1 for tempdb, 1 for os is a good. More disk RPM gives more performance. RAID 0+1 is best.
I really do not understand a simple equation such as BIGGER MACHINES suppose to give FAR BETTER PERFORMANCE is returning a failure answer.
Anyone knows how to use fully utilise processor FSB speed say iterative process in Navision only use 8-20% processor, can we tune to 50-80% so we are not wasting any of processor speeds. Or I might say how can we speed up from the application side of tuning, rather than hardwares ?
Please help ... many thanks
detail in:
Another thing with SAN is use correct strip size. If you use 8Kb blocks when SAN is connected over fieber channel, the overhead will be too big. On fieber channel use the 64Kb strip size... (of course, can be different for different SAN architectures). For common work use MAX DEGREE OF PARALLELISM = 1, for statistic update job etc. set it to 0. You can disable swap file on your server. If you do not have enough ram to run the server without swap file, add ram...
Do not forget to set correct parameters for OS and SQL depending on RAM size:
2-4GB OS:/3GB
After you checked all that, check if the clients had enough RAM, CPU and enough fast network.
After that, you can start optimize the code. Best is to use 4.00SP1 or SP2 to had new commands and properties to optimize the app for MS SQL.
And read the Performance Troubleshooting guide and try to understand all what is there...
MVP - Dynamics NAV