Strange Key Error Message

ayhan06ayhan06 Member Posts: 210
hi everybody,

i come up with a strange error message when i try to change the keys of a table. The error can occur in some tables especially ledger or document tables. it occurs in the live system as well as in the system whose none of tables has any record.

let s think about 5 keys in one table.

Enabled Key1
Enabled Key2
Enbaled Key3
Enabled Key4
Enabled Key5

For the first 4 keys (Key1 to Key4):
I can change SOME properties of them
I can delete NONE of them.

for The last key (Key5):
I can change ALL properties of it
I CAN delete it.

Example 2:
Enabled Key1
Enabled Key2
Enbaled Key3
Disabled Key4
Disabled Key5

For the first 2 keys (Key1 to Key2):
I can change SOME properties of them
I can delete NONE of them.

for the last ENABLED key (Key3):
I can change ALL properties of it
I CAN delete it.

for the disabled keys (Key4 and Key5):
I can change ALL properties of it
I CAN delete it.

when i try to delete a key or change a property of a key, i see the same error messsage:

15249,"42000",[Microsoft],[ODBC Sql Server Driver],[SQL Server]Error: Explicit @itemtype 'INDEX' is unrecognized (0).

Did anyone see this message or does anyone know what this message means?

We are using Navision 3.70 Turkey Version and SQL Server 2000 sp3a.

thanks in advance.


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