I'm using NAV4.0 SP1. I am writing because I have a problem with Post Inventory Costs to G/L batch job that currently not working according to accounting regulations in my country.
This batch job is posting values in COGS and inventory accounts not only on sales documents which is OK, but also in purchase documents.
I don't know what to do in order to fix this so I need help.
Thank you in advance
Have you run the report with filters. Set a filter on Source Type = Customer.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
The purchase document make 6 kind of entries:
Posted Purchase Invoice
G/L Entry
VAT Entry
Vendor Ledger Entry
Detailed Vendor Ledger Entry and
Value Entry
I don't know about the other entries (think they are OK) but I know that entries in G/L Entry (after Post Inventory Costs to GL batch job) aren't good.
According to accounting regulations in our country purchase docs should be posted like this:
Inventory 100 LCY
Purchase VAT 25 LCY
.................................Vendor 125 LCY
It is good until i start this batch job (that I have to use because of sales documents). When I start this batch job it posts purchase documents like this
Inventory 100 LCY
Purchase VAT 25 LCY
COGS 100 LCY // error!
.................................Vendor 125 LCY
.................................Inventory 100 LCY // error!
So, after starting this batch job purchase documents are behaving like sales documents which have to be posted like this (for same item)
Customer 250 LCY
............................Sales VAT 50 LCY
............................Revenue 200LCY
...........................Inventory 100 LCY
So, if I start Post Inventory Costs to GL batch job sales documents are posted incorrectly but purchase documents have errors I've describet above. But, if I don't use this batch job sales documents are incorrect.
I've tried to find out if someone reported this but I couldn't find it in Customer Source on MS web site.
Navision posts this way:
D - Purchase Acc (and VAT) - C Vendor at posting the invoice, and then
D - Inventory - C Direct Cost Applied at running the batch job. What we generally do here is just set Purchase Acc and Direct Cost Applied to some technical account.
Also check if this object is modifed and when, maybe you have a customization. Also check the version list, if it contains your country code, then it might be a wrong localization.