Permission problem - Navision SQL option

JTProJTPro Member Posts: 169
Hello all,

Last week I reinstall SQL server, and made a restore of navision database using standard restore mechanism from SQL manager. After this I synchronized all users. Now I'm facing the problem with permissions on the client's license.
The permission problem appears when I want to "Issue" Reminder. The message is as follows:
"You do not have permission to insert into Detailed Issued Reminder Line table"
The debugger stops in codunit 393 Reminder-Issue:
DetReminderLine.SETRANGE("Reminder No.",ReminderLine."Reminder No.");
      DetReminderLine.SETRANGE("Reminder Line No.",ReminderLine."Line No.");
      IF DetReminderLine.FIND('-') THEN
          DetIssuedReminderLine."Issued Reminder No." := IssuedReminderHeader."No.";
        UNTIL DetReminderLine.NEXT = 0;

When I use developer's license everything works fine.
Is it a problem, that I have some extra data in some tables, that are not allowed for my client's license?

I noticed that where I delete lines from Detailed Reminder Line table, everything works fine. But, next time when I create new Reminder, again Navision creates line in Detailed Reminder Line. Who can explain the functionality of Detailed Reminder? Is it importent in the process of making reminders? If not, where I can disable this option?

Need your help.

Best regards
Navision Application Version: 4.0SP1
Navision Database Version: 4.0


  • JTProJTPro Member Posts: 169
    Hello all,

    I found it. The codeunit 393 didn't have permission to the table 'Detailed Issue Reminder Line'.

    Best regards
    Navision Application Version: 4.0SP1
    Navision Database Version: 4.0
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