Pdf995 is a good idea I was just wondering is there a way i can be able to automatically save the file from within Navision.
How can i trigger the Conversion in C/AL and also speficy the location for the pdf file.
Automatically attach a PDF to an email message for sending. (This requires that a default MAPI compliant email client such as Microsoft Outlook is specified.)
Autoname provides 3 options-
a. Name and specify location of the PDF document using the "Save As" dialog (default).
b. Automatically name the document based on the originating document and save it in the pdf995\output folder.
c. Save all PDF documents to the same filename. When this is selected the user is prompted to specify a PDF filename. This can be helpful when pdf995 is incorporated into automated workflow systems.
If you're interested, we created an add-on to streamline this. With our product installed, it's about 10 lines of code to generate a Navision report as a PDF and email it.
Have used pdf995 and am able to save the pdf. file and even attach to an email. My problem is i have to manually initialize the printing process using the print button. I would like to automate the process Loop through the employees initialize the conversion process. You have an IDEA how i can initialize the printing process in C/AL code.
See the Developer Information link on the left. It has sample code that you would mimmick on each loop through a record (eg. generate and email a report for each Customer). This would generate the PDF and email it with no use prompts (to Print, etc.).
Have used pdf995 and am able to save the pdf. file and even attach to an email. My problem is i have to manually initialize the printing process using the print button. I would like to automate the process Loop through the employees initialize the conversion process. You have an IDEA how i can initialize the printing process in C/AL code.
What program are you using to convert to pdf?
for me I use pdf995 & pdf995edit to auto create the email
spend some time looking at the PDF posts and you'll probably find a solution that fits your needs perfectly.
Here's another goody - hey I had 180 posts back then.
How can i trigger the Conversion in C/AL and also speficy the location for the pdf file.
Product information is available at
Have used pdf995 and am able to save the pdf. file and even attach to an email. My problem is i have to manually initialize the printing process using the print button. I would like to automate the process Loop through the employees initialize the conversion process. You have an IDEA how i can initialize the printing process in C/AL code.
http://www.altusbusinesssolutions.com. --the link is not workin??
See the Developer Information link on the left. It has sample code that you would mimmick on each loop through a record (eg. generate and email a report for each Customer). This would generate the PDF and email it with no use prompts (to Print, etc.).
I'm not sure what you mean - at some point a button will have to pressed to say "yes, i need a pdf of this doc"