
C/FRONT - DBL_Exit function

varodvarod Member Posts: 14
edited 2006-06-12 in Navision Financials

I'm using a .Net Wrapper written by Power Roy and i get an exception during exiting my application.

In my code, when i finish my queries, i call DBL_Exit function and i get the following message :

Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt

I don't know if i really have corrupt memory but if someone get this error and fixed it, please help me :)

I'm working on Navision 2.60 without remote connexion.

Thanks in advance,



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    PoweRoyPoweRoy Member Posts: 43
    i know there a lot of errors in my wrapper class :roll:

    maybe the errors accor if there's an company/table etc open
    had no time to dig into this (only made the wrapper for performance testing)
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    varodvarod Member Posts: 14
    I don't think there is a problem in your wrapper class ... I verify that everything are closed before exiting CFRONT.

    It might have a tips before exiting.

    I get a similar problem when i try to access two times in the same thread to navision... Maybe something when disconnecting.


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    varodvarod Member Posts: 14
    I find the solution of my previous problem. The database was open by a previous app which had bugged.

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