Dear All experts,
I need to know if I can add coding to be used as filter in the production order status form (Code # 99000914), so if I open it from a certain table, I can directly saw the status is equal to status in the table, I guess I must add the coding in the form -- onopen form(), before the buildform or after it or I must create a code in the variable tab of C/AL global..? your answers are expected so much. tks.
Example 1:
Record.SETCURRENTKEY(Key-field1, ...);
Record.SETFILTER(Field, Filter);
Report.XXX; // any user-defined function
To Brown, Tks a lot for your reply. you wrote:
You didn't mention where I must put the code, in the production order table or directly in this Code # 99000914 ( the form code). Indeed I can use change status in the function of production order (PPO, FPPO or RPO), but I wonder if I create a form with source table is production order or production order line, then I create a button with function is change status, so if currently in the line firm planned then in the system will appear changes production order status form (Code # 99000914) with the status in its header same as status in the line I mention.
But with those coding, I only saw the form (Code # 99000914) with status simulated. that is the problem.
COuld you answer me more clearly pls and the coding itselfs.