Issues with Report 795 (Adjust Cost - Item Entries)

headley27headley27 Member Posts: 188
I have just realized that there is a part number that is affected by Report 795 every time the report is run and has done so for well over a year. 4 Value Entries are created. There are consistantly 2 postive and 2 negative Cost Adjustments that sum to equal 0.

Can anyone explain why this might be happening? I am using 3.70 A.

Thank you.


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    could be a bug? try to load service pack 3.7b
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Is it average costing with manufacturing? There are some issues with average costing: check out Valuation Date. It bitten me once with 3.6 that Adjust Cost set the Valuation Date of 1st Jan (the date the user entered in the form) of a manufacturing output and then next time it found that for that date the inventory is zero and therefore the value should also be zero and faithfully adjusted all entries to zero. Or something like that. Check out Valuation Date.

    What I did is changed Adjust Cost to adjust the valuation date of manufacturing to the posting date of the item ledger entry.
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