How to know which transaction is posted after applied entry

hanthant Member Posts: 115
Dear all,

I am trying to unapply a Credit memo in AR for one custmer but I've got the message said that "Before you can unapply this entry, you must first unapply all application entries in Cust. Ledger Entry No.%%% that was posted after this entry". Can anyone tell me how to find the application that posted after I did make this Credit memo? I made this in Receipt journal combined with a Receipt from Customer and applied directly at that time. I also do unapply this payment and got the same message.

Thanks a lot.



  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    What you need to do is go to cust. ledger entry for that customer find the Credit Memo line. click on entry ->Detailed Ledger Entry. and there you should find multiple Entries with Entry type Application. You need to start from the botton and start unapplying them first.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • hanthant Member Posts: 115
    I did as you recommend but there is only one line with Application in entry type. The other lines are with Initial entry and Realized loss in Entry type. Do you have any idea?


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Also take a look at entry (Invoice) it was applied. See if it was applied to another payment after the credit memo.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • hanthant Member Posts: 115
    Can you tell me more detail? Where can I use the fields you mentioned?
  • hanthant Member Posts: 115
    As I said from the beginning that I tried to unapply the invoice and receipt go along with this credit memo but I cannot. I've got the same massege.
  • hanthant Member Posts: 115
    Can you explain more detail how to trace back the application flow?


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