
incorrect no. of concurrent users in license

CogCog Member Posts: 12
edited 2006-09-08 in Navision Financials
I have an strange Navision reaction by changing our license file?
We use Navision 2.6

Our old license file includes 51 sessions/users.
Our new license file includes 81 sessions/users.

I copy the new file in the server Navision directory.
Now, when starting a client and connect to the database server, the client get the new license file. (Tools->License->Sessions/User: 81)

Oddly enough only 51 users could connect to the database?!?

I copy the file yesterday. So the Navision service restart last night and so all clients reconnected this morning.

So what the hell go wrong?


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    Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    What does the databaseinformation tell you about the max. no of sessions?
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    CogCog Member Posts: 12
    The databaseinformation tells me:

    Active sessions: 51
    Utilisation: 59%
    On license session: 81

    Everything looks ok.

    When I now try to connect a further client, I'll get an license error message.
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    Torben_R.Torben_R. Member Posts: 99
    Try to stop the service and start the server from the commandprompt. Now you can see all the parameters used.

    As far as I remember there is a parameter called sessions and if the server is started with this the no. of users are restricted.

    Start the server with server sessions=81 and you'll be able to use all the sessions in the license.

    Or you can delete the zup-file and start the server again with all the other parameters. Then the no. of session from the license file will be used.
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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562

    There are TWO types of session - User session and Application server session.

    For each session you need another granule

    In your case, your new license has 51 user sessions and 30 NAS sessions. In the dialog, you see sum of all sessions in your license.

    If you have access to the text file for the license (it depends on how the lciense is created and on the local rules etc.), you can see two lines:

    for example you can see this:
    Maximum No. of Sessions
    Total....................: 37
    Any......................: 36
    Application Server.......: 1

    In the dialog in this case you will see 37 sessions but just 36 users can login...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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    Torben_R.Torben_R. Member Posts: 99
    Kine - Application server is not available in version 2.60
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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Ok, there is not NAS for 2.60 but it does not mean that someone could add NAS Sessions into the license instead user sessions. And there are WEB sessions too... (for the commerce portal)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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    CogCog Member Posts: 12
    Hi, sorry for my late answer...

    Torben R. was right. Although the registry entry of the navision server "sessions" was 0, the navision server runs with a restricted no. of users. (manual start in commandprompt shows 51 users)

    After deleting the db.zup file and a restart everything was fine.

    Thanks a lot...
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    MauddibMauddib Member Posts: 269
    I am having this trouble but its with SQL server not Navision Server. I have 46 sessions however it is stopping me at 25. Where could this be coming from?
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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Mauddib wrote:
    I am having this trouble but its with SQL server not Navision Server. I have 46 sessions however it is stopping me at 25. Where could this be coming from?

    In your case it can be wrongly updated license file, where someone generated granule for 20 application server sessions and not user sessions. Check the license file header for lines like:
    1,200 Session xx
    1,415 Application server - each instance xx

    and send us these lines...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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    MauddibMauddib Member Posts: 269
    Maximum No. of Sessions
    Total....................: 47
    Any......................: 46
    Application Server.......: 1
    Maximum No. of satellites..: 0


    Granule ID Ver. Granule Text Qty. Paid Qty.
    1,200 17 Session 46 15
    1,400 9 User IDs & Passwords 1 0
    1,410 8 Permissions 1 0
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    MauddibMauddib Member Posts: 269
    Black Tiger, on the site in question there is no user Cals they bought the server processor license. More expensive but if you approach 50/60 users then it pays off.

    Is it this you are reffering to? And if not how do i check whether your theory is correct or not, is it shown anywhere?
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    MauddibMauddib Member Posts: 269
    SQL 2005 I should point out sorry.
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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Please, do not take the values from the .txt file, take them directly from flf file header. I want to avoid possible problems. And best is to take them from Navision client when you connect to the server right after NAV client start. (From the License Information form).
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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    MauddibMauddib Member Posts: 269
    Its ok I got it. In SQL I had assigned some users SERVER ROLES because I saw them as power users. One of these roles was allowing users, on logging in, to be aware of the SA user being logged into navision. Since SA logs in, Im sure you have noticed, 12/13 times this was all counting, for some reason, as 12/13 sessions!
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    imhotephimhoteph Member Posts: 5
    I have problem with licenses on Navision 2.60f too. From my .txt file I read, that I have theses granules:
    Granule ID     Name                                          Amount Expires
             1,200 Session                                           64
             1,210 Session - 10 Users                                 3
    And this follow in .txt file:
    Maximum No. of Sessions
      Total....................:         65
      Any......................:         64
      Application Server.......:          1
    Maximum No. of satellites..:          0
    Maximum No. of Servers
      Total....................:          1
      Any......................:          0
      Windows NT...............:          1
    From first lines I expect that we have 94 sessions (64 + 3*10). But Navision report, that has only 65 licenses sessions (how is in second part of .txt file). What can be wrong? Bad info in license?
    Jan Esterka
    NAV Freelancer
    LUKROM Holding
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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    granule 1,210 means that you will get 10x granule 1,200 but for another price... :-)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
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    imhotephimhoteph Member Posts: 5
    kine wrote:
    granule 1,210 means that you will get 10x granule 1,200 but for another price... :-)
    Yes, that's right, but when I have 64pcs of 1,200 and 3pcs of 1,210, then
    total sessions = 1,200 + (1,210 * 10)
    in my case total sessions = 64 + (3 * 10) = 94. But why he register only 65 sessions?? What is with granule 1,210?? Can be anything wrong in license file??
    Jan Esterka
    NAV Freelancer
    LUKROM Holding
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    Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Is it only a problem in the txt part of the license or have you bought 94 licenses and only got 64?

    If the last is the case, you should contact you Microsoft Partner.
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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    No, it is not
    total sessions = 1,200 + (1,210 * 10)

    otal sessions = 64x1,200 = 3x1,210 * 10 + 34x1,200=64 sessions

    The sessions count is there counted in both granules and it is mixed. I can see in some licenses just granule 1,200 and in some license files there are both granules. But the granule 1,200 is the main to count sessions. Granule 1,210 is there just for info.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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