Install navision 4

CHAFAKCHAFAK Member Posts: 4
Aprés que j'ai installé le serveur et le poste client. J'ai installé la base de données en exécutant la commande server SERVERNAME=SERER, nettype=tcp, database = d:\bddnavision\database.fdb , J'ai démarré le service Microsoft navision.
Quand j'ai essayé d'ouvrir la base de données sur le serveur via un poste client le message suivat se déclanche :
Le système d'exploitation ne peut pas accéder au fichier d:\bddnavision\database.fdb .
Veuillez vérifier que le type de fichier et les attributs sont corrects
Ya t-il qlq qui a eu le même pb?


  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Anglais s'il-vous plait :)
  • rsfairbanksrsfairbanks Member Posts: 107
    Not that I can under stand French but try Database=Database :shock:
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Don't know if it will make a difference, but instead of:
    server SERVERNAME=SERER, nettype=tcp, database = d:\bddnavision\database.fdb
    try this:
    server SERVERNAME="SERER",nettype="tcp",database="d:\bddnavision\database.fdb"
    Spaces in the command line property have messed me up a number of times, and ever since I put quotes around the values.
  • PhennoPhenno Member Posts: 630
    Google translate says this:
    Hello, Aprés which I installed the waiter and the station customer. I installed the data base by carrying out the order server SERVERNAME=SERER, nettype=tcp, database = d:\bddnavision\database.fdb, I started the service Microsoft navision. When I tried to open the data base on the waiter via a station customer the message suivat déclanche: The operating system cannot reach the d:\bddnavision\database.fdb file. Please check that the type of file and the attributes are correct. Ya T it qlq which had same Pb? Cordially

    It seems that he has problem with starting of service.

    If your database is on NTFS check user right for that file (usually, service is started with NetworkService user rights but that user does not have rights on that file).
  • a.mouttoua.mouttou Member Posts: 18

    "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Server\SERVER.exe" database=E:\database\database.fdb, servername=attain, cache=50000, commitcache=yes,nettype=tcp

    It's the instruction that i use.

    Voilà. (the meaning in english is voilà lol).
    Waiting for Dynamics Nav V5
  • andrejsmandrejsm Member Posts: 122
    I don't understand French, but if You are trying to setup Navision database server, then it is better to use this wizard from download section. Just copy to your database folder and run wizard.
    Andrejs Muraskins
  • GeflipteKipGeflipteKip Member Posts: 8
    you can try this in the command prompt:
    server SERVERNAME=SERER, nettype=tcp, database = d:\bddnavision\database.fdb, cache=850000, commitcache=yes, installasservice

    the next command is necessary to start the service:
    start SERER

    If you want to use the servicename to logon, you also have to change the services and the host file in the directory C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC.

    et en français, le même chose. :D
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