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ghostrider1976ghostrider1976 Member Posts: 5
edited 2006-06-07 in Navision Financials
Good Morning,

i want to modify a report. In this report, there is a field, that is called "FreiDispontBest". The field will be calculated through Code after starting the report. Now, i want to modify my report, so, that the section only will print if this field has got a negative value. If the content of this field is zero or positiv, the section shall not be print an the report shall go to the next record.

How can I disable the section in case of a field-value?

Thanks for your Help!

Best regards,



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    David_CoxDavid_Cox Member Posts: 509
    edited 2006-06-07
    This wil switch the section on and off based on the value of FreiDispontBest

    Item, Body (2) - OnPreSection()
    CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(FreiDispontBest < 0); // Less than Zero

    As a guide others ways to use this code
    Item, Header (2) - OnPreSection()

    Item, Header (3) - OnPreSection()
    CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(ItemFilters <> '');

    Have fun! :lol:
    Analyst Developer with over 17 years Navision, Contract Status - Busy
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    AlbertvhAlbertvh Member Posts: 516
    Hi Frank,

    2 possibilities

    1) OnAfterGetRecord
    IF FreiDispontBest >= 0 THEN

    2) OnPreSection
    CURRREPORT.SHOWOUTPUT := FreiDispontBest < 0;

    Hope this sorts you out. :D
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    ghostrider1976ghostrider1976 Member Posts: 5

    Thanks, that is explicit, what I want.

    Best regards,

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