Dear all,
I am currently using Service Management Module of NAW14.00.02 since 2 days ago. I've upgraded all objects I've made but when I find there is a conflicts, I skip importing and rewriting codings that exists in the object (form,table,CU or report) I've made in NAW14.00.01 into table or form or report or CU that have version lists NAVW14.00.02.
I see that service time (hours) is not calculated if I open Service Order (SO) and set status to be in process in service item worksheet yesterday so the service starting time field begins (date:06/05/06; 9:44:28.303 AM) and I set the status to be finished in service item worksheet today (date:060606; 08.17AM). But in service order on tab detail, I see finishing date and time are still as same as yesterday, then there is no service time (hours) calculated, but in the service order log (menubutton order--> service order log), the finishing date is recorded. I actually shut down my computer yesterday night (23.00 pm). Why couldn't the system calculate the service time ???
:-k :-k
Any replies or answers are welcome and tks in advance