
Shrink Database - Reduce Database Size

NuskyNusky Member Posts: 15
edited 2006-06-06 in Navision Financials
Hi all

We have a 50GB navision 2.60 database. After some maintenance we reduced de real used space to 10GB, so we would like to reduce the size of the database to free some disk space. Is this possible? The only thing we've been able to think about has been backing up the database and restoring it into a new one with the desired space, but that is not possible as we some corruption and cannot backup the whole database.

Anyone knows another method of reducing the size?

Thanks in advance


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    DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    So you have a production database that has some corruption, that you can't even run a full backup on? Have you considered hiring a Navision solutionc enter to help you fix the corruption before you start thinking about reducing the size? Did you have this corruption before reducing the database or was that happening before that?
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    NuskyNusky Member Posts: 15
    Yup, the production database has some corruption. The thing is it works perfectly, and gives no problems at all, but we can't make a navision backup. We can however make a copy of the files. That's why we haven't tried anything to solve this problem... users can work perfectly.

    The corruption happens in one table (if I remember well, it's error 1190 in module 19) that has too many rows to try to find it. The error happens when we try to analyse the database of back it up.

    The thing is we made a copy of the files, and worked on this copy to delete not needed information and data, and it's here where we want to reduce the size if its possible.
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    DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    I can only think of what you've already said, to rebuild the files using a database backup. I don't think there is another way to shrink the files.
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    SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Nusky wrote:
    The corruption happens in one table (if I remember well, it's error 1190 in module 19) that has too many rows to try to find it.

    I think it's worth the time spent, not only to reduce your database but to fix your backup problem.

    Did you search the forum for "1190" I remember it having a number of posts.
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    themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    Here is a little info on the error

    TechKnowledge Content

    Internal Error 1190 in module 19 occurs when performing a Navision Backup on the SQL Server Option.

    Note - This message refers to lowercase letters existing in a CODE field. This cannot be done in the Navision client.

    Potential Cause

    It is usually caused by someone putting data into a Navision table through a SQL Server tool instead of using the Navision Client. This is very dangerous and we do not recommend it.


    1. Find the table that has the problem. This should be mentioned in the error message.

    2. Identify the problem fields. You may want to start by identifying all of the CODE fields in the table and then running a SELECT query on the table in Query Analyzer to identify which fields have bad data.

    3. Create a report or codeunit in Navision that will loop through the table and UPPERCASE the fields that contain the bad data.

    Note - There may be more tables with the same problem.

    This article was TechKnowledge Document ID: 28365
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    Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    You'll need to send the database to Navision for them to fix the corruption problem.

    I remember talking to an implementation site regarding this problem. They had to send their database to Navision to get it fixed.

    It's definately better to fix it now than later, since your database will only keep growing.
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    NuskyNusky Member Posts: 15
    Thanks for all the replies :)

    We'll try to fix the table where we are having the problem. I know it's the best option, but it's very time consumming and it's hard to dedicate the time to it.

    We are not using SQL, so we are not sure how this data corruption has got in there. If we can't find the problem, we'll end up sending the database to Navision.

    Thanks again for all your help!
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