Dear All,
This is really actual and based on fact. I've seen that there are so many add-ons available. I think they maybe do copy and paste when designing it. Considering this following coding:
PfsProdOrderRec.SETFILTER PfsProdOrderRec."No.",PfsProdOrderRec."No.");
ProdOrderLines.SETRANGE(ProdOrderLines."Prod. Order No.",ProdOrderLines."Prod. Order No.");
ProdOrderCapNeed.SETCURRENTKEY(Type,"No.","Starting Date-Time");
ProdOrderCapNeed.SETRANGE(Date,"Starting Date","Ending Date");
D. etc
the problem is when I create new form in navision to reduce time in operating Navision, for example machine operation schedule form (tabforms contains subform and form). I don't create a table but I use the machine center table as sourcetable. Because I' ve seen that production resource are not an IT graduate, they need simple things in the new form, then I create button but not menu button. then I check all navision forms, and I've seen the above codings. I see that setcurrentkey,setrange,setfilter and reset, I learn also what their functions not using manual but using navision only, so I design the new form, button, subform, etc and everything in the C/AL global or Local that are different from the above. do it mean that I only copy and paste meanwhile the new form never exists in navision ? does the developer never do copy and paste? is there any command other than SETFILTER?
I think companies who create add-on are also doing copy and paste in creating the add-on but their C/AL menu will be different.
What I mean is that I would like to ask about how developer design or create a table, design CU or form or report. Do they use copy and paste method ? copy the codings and then paste it/them to the new form or table or report or CU C/AL editor.
I agree that they never create new reports, table, CU or forms using another menu beside menu available in Navision.
For example:
I need a button that directly used in generating production journal, without using menu button in production order. So, I create the button and in the C/AL editor ... on push, I write some coding, of course the coding will use C/AL Local, isn't it. There are setcurrentkey, setrange, or anything in the menu depends on my purpose on the button, what will be the button purpose. So, if I find in Navision, the coding is the same as what I made, does it mean I only do copy and paste job ? I thik developer's job also like that
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But maybe I am not getting your question.
Of course, sometime I just copy form, remove fields I don't want, remove menu items and buttons I don't want, add some new toys on it and the new form on old table is prepared...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Your replies are really interested me. I am Mark Christs, I also do that.
I am sure that I am correct now because what I developped in Navision doesn't exists beforehand eventhough everyone maybe can see some of codings I made are also exists in Navision, but if the purpose is different it doesn't mean that I did copy and paste job. the copyright of the coding in C/AL editor still belongs to the first person developped it but in the form or table only.
Tks for your reply and answer. I agree with you.
Kine wrote:
This is what I've always done and sometimes if it doesn't exists in Navision, I developped by my self alone.
Denster wrote:
Your answer is 100% correct. So before I develop something I usually think its purpose and requirement.
Then I say that developper's job could sometimes consider as doing copy and paste but sometimes developped alone.
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I will continue to write and to prove that I my self never do the copy and paste job let alone using the other developer's coding. I also never ask the developer or technical though I am not a developer and never use development manual. belows are my C/AL coding written by me, and I want to ask you here if you have ever find this codings in the standard navision only or even maybe in all add-ons you have ever seen. Pls let me know. The codings:
IF Status = Status::aaaa THEN
IF Status = Status::tttt THEN
IF Status = Status::"jjjj" THEN
IF Status = Status::bbbb THEN
IF Status = Status::nnnn THEN
the encrypted words are excluded. If you find the codings above in Navision standard, it means I didn't use my logic and brain to develop them then it means I am a liar. whoever you are, from Indonesia, US, EU, etc,etc.., developer or not, pls let me know if you find the coding in Navision, in CU, form, table, report etc..etc.. similar 100% (in structures, words or purposes) with above. OR if you have told me or wrote in this forum, pleas let me know.
so, by those things, everyone here, developers, technicals, consultants, end users, etc, could justify their selves that they never do copy and paste job. Because we develop codings with different purposes and based on different requirements eventhough we use C/AL global and Loval and of course C/AL editor. We optimize the C/AL menu. we use our selves skills but not look the other's codings.
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