When i use the fonction Calcsum to sum field which FieldClass is flowfield,
an error occured that i can't use this fonction with Flowfield
Can you help me.
Use this function to calculate the total of a column of SumIndexFields in a C/SIDE table. Using parameters, you can tell the system exactly which fields to calculate.
[Ok :=] Record.CALCSUMS (Field1, [Field2],...)
Data type: boolean
If you omit this optional return value and if one of the fields is not a SumIndexField, a run-time error occurs. If you include a return value, the system assumes you will handle any errors.
Say you have a ledger table, and you have a Quantity SumIndexField. Then in a Master table, you have a flowfield into this ledger table that totals the quantity linked to the record in the master table.
If you want to calculate the flowfield you use CALCFIELDS. You use CALCSUMS if you want to sum up the quantity in the ledger table itself in C/AL code.
*** C/SIDE Reference Guide ***
Use this function to calculate the total of a column of SumIndexFields in a C/SIDE table. Using parameters, you can tell the system exactly which fields to calculate.
[Ok :=] Record.CALCSUMS (Field1, [Field2],...)
Data type: boolean
If you omit this optional return value and if one of the fields is not a SumIndexField, a run-time error occurs. If you include a return value, the system assumes you will handle any errors.
Since FlowFields are NOT allowed as SumIndexFields, you May not use FlowFields in CalcSums Function.
If you want to calculate the flowfield you use CALCFIELDS. You use CALCSUMS if you want to sum up the quantity in the ledger table itself in C/AL code.