Hi everybody
what I know how many users work on navision sql database or the same company at the same time?
how do I know in my license file, what number, sessions or users& passwords or ...?
I wait for any help :P
Also if you go to File->database->information->session tab. You'll see current Sessions and licensed sessions. THe licensed session will display the number users you have licensed to.
Ahmed Rashed Amini
Independent Consultant/Developer
Also if you go to File->database->information->session tab. You'll see current Sessions and licensed sessions. THe licensed session will display the number users you have licensed to.
Be aware that the number of licensed sessions includes Navision Application Servers (NAS) - and all licenses (starting from version 3.xx) includes a hidden NAS.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Be aware that the number of licensed sessions includes Navision Application Servers (NAS) - and all licenses (starting from version 3.xx) includes a hidden NAS.