Number format for Account Schedules

SkolnickSkolnick Member Posts: 31
I am building financial statements for a new company using Dynamics NAV 4.0 SP1. I want the rounding to go to cents (0,000.00). Currently the setting goes to dollars (0,000).

How do I change the number format for statements in Financial Management>Analysis and Reporting>Account Schedules?

Thank you!
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  • pindevpindev Member Posts: 22
    in the Functions/Set Up Column Layouts you can find a field "Rounding"- you can set different rounding policy for each column - set this field to "None" if you don't want any rounding.
  • SkolnickSkolnick Member Posts: 31
    Oops! I stated "rounding" but I should have said "How do I set the decimal places to two?"

    Making the world a better place one pixel at a time!
  • pindevpindev Member Posts: 22
    Unfortunately it is not designed to control such a precision.... and i think it will never be - quite natural is to present financial statements in thousands (standard currencies like USD, EUR) almost everywhere so...
  • pindevpindev Member Posts: 22
    However, if you set the rounding yo "None" it will take the standard precision you use (it is a general setting) for the company and it is problably 0,01 so you will have the statement rounded to cent without doing any special settings.
  • SkolnickSkolnick Member Posts: 31
    I had to go into the General Ledger Setup table to get the changes in but now I have pennies on my statements!

    Thanks for you help in this matter!!
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