NODBC dsn in java anyone?

seb835seb835 Member Posts: 7

I'm trying to connect to my NODBC DSN within a simple java applet. THe problem is that I dont know the syntax to make the connection string - can anyone help?

What im using at the moment is the following connection string (which doesnt work):
navURL    = "jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Navision Driver};" + "dsn='test_dsn'; uid='seb'; pwd='seb_pass'";

navCon   = DriverManager.getConnection(navURL);

This gives the following error at run-time:

Outer TRY failed java.sql.SQLException: [Simba][SimbaEngine ODBC Driver][DRM File Library]Invalid Session handle.

Please can anyone help? It would be very much appreciated.

Thank you


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