I need to change tab order of the controls on form dynamicly.
I use CurrForm."Field Name".ACTIVATE function.
but when i call this function in the "XXX - OnDeactivate()" trigger i
get an error:
Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision
There is insufficient memory (stack) to execute this function.
This can be due to the way that recursive function calls are used in
the program. Contact your system manager if you need assistance.
But calling of this function in the other triggers don't cause an error.
Any assistance how I can resolve my problem may be helpful.
If you want to change the order of the tabs in a tabcontrol: That's not possible in run-time.
If you want to change the property NextControl of e.g. a TextBox, you can do it on the TextBox' trigger OnAfterValidate(), using the CurrForm."FieldName".ACTIVATE.
Thoms Hviid Thorn
I have tried, but it not helped me, because OnAfterValidate trigger not works anytime, it works only if taxtbox value is changed.
any other thoughts? :-k
Thanks and greeting from Armenia,
I have no ideas, but that you will have to study the behavior of your form. Your will need to put the statement in more than one trigger ...
Thoms Hviid Thorn
I can put my statement in more than one trigger, but only OnDeactivate is works even if user not changed textbox value
Sorry - I'm out of ideas!!
Have you tried to post you question on some of the other Nav-discussion groups - e.g. http://dynamicsusers.org/
Thoms Hviid Thorn
Okay, I'll.
Thank you anyway.
When you press F2 the sistem cause the OnValidate to run, even if the data isn't changed, so this is a good place where you can write the code.
If you think not, please specify what event or data change must change the order of the controls on that tab.
My field is option type field, it's rarely changed field, but user need to got focus in this field every time, when he go through controls on form.
Thank you again,