Dear all experts,
I am currently learning to design a report in NA 4.00 sp1, I see that there are some tables or a tables name in the dataitem column and sometimes the name of the dataitem are differents and when I press F3 after opening section designer, I can see the name created in all reports provided. I don't actually know that in each data item there may be exists some coding seen after press F9. Also, there may be exists some coding in each of the sections. I would like to know the use and definition of these following terms:
1. onpresection
2. onpostsection
3. onpredataitem
4. onaftergetrecord
5. onpostdataitem
they are all in the dataitem c/al editor and section c/al editor. how to link the coding created in the both places.I also want to know whether the manual of creating reports are available, Tks a lot for your answer beforehand.I expect them so much.
You also might want to look at some simple reports provided by navision.
It is also possible to make reports via a wizard.
The triggers you mention are only required to create code, what functionality do you need that requires coding?
Tks for your reply. It seems I need to read manual, but general definition is important to know by me, I would like to have in short definition only for all my questions, before I step into detail and focus. Could you provide me their short definitions and tell me the manual ?
1. onpresection
Before the section is printed
2. onpostsection
After the section is printed
3. onpredataitem
Before the data is processed
4. onaftergetrecord
While the data is processed
5. onpostdataitem
After the data is processed