Our partners developed great solution, but it is writen in local language (all table field names, captions, variables, comments - all is in foreign language ](*,) )
There is more then 150 tables and it is quite big solution.
We got no time to completely rewrite solution. How do you think, is it possible to translate just field captions and try to use solution as it is? Or is it better to try something else? :?:
Andrejs Muraskins
There are tools to translate all captions, but not the fieldnames. Maybe you can contact MS about this.
If you are going to support this solution my advise would be to translate to english otherwise bugfixing will be a huge problem in the future.
Of course, for 150 tables, that's a lot of fields to modify the caption for.
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
What about debugging or bugfixing in the future? What language is it? Do you understand the language? Otherwise debugging will be hell
Regarding debugging, a developer should easily find the field in question now that the fields can be searched in teh C/AL code.
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
Solution is in foreig language, which is not very popular in our country and more over, there is no one who know this languange in our company
It will be necessery to support and modify this solution in the future.
We decide to translate solution using Navision Localization Workbench. At the end of this process we will have field names, variables e.c. translated to english. Then we will test whole system and decide which parts to rewrite or disable.
And one more thing, now I see why it is necessary to use best practices and write code in the right way. It is huge pain to work with excelent solution with crappy code :evil:
More advices?
Create a form on the field table (a system table).
In it you can rename the fields to your own language. You don't need to recompile anything because in the compiled objects, only a reference to the field-ID is kept.
And when you later open an object that uses fields translated in this way, you will see them with the name.
Of course before renaming the fields, you must be sure that all objects are compiled in the DB.
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Talking about the first post.... I think that a good solution center should never use local language when writing,commenting and giving name to variables.....
Moreover: I recently studied for Dev II and the manual marks on the fact that VIRTUAL table cannot be changed....... But Field and Object are considered as Virtual table..... What's wrong with that???? What kind of tables are those???
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All of the standard code was written in local langage too up to Version 3.
But this does not mean the solution is bad! It is just in Dutch, thats all.
I think we already translated about 50% of tables. It is not so hard as it looks like, but it is very time consuming.
Some terms like Vendor Ledger Entry or Finanche Charge Memo could be translated only by finding this meanings in standart Navision Functionality, where they have multilanguage captions. Some terms still secret for us :oops:
This week we met "Error 9 in module 24" problem ](*,) . Some objects already have fields with multilanguage captions. And when we are trying to import translation file this error occur. Our solution for this problem is to delete ENU language module in objects which have translated fields.
I think every programmer should try to localize some code from foreign language :twisted: . After that he will write briliant code with all these requirements from developer's guide!
And the DB had 3 companies in it (a Belgian Dutch, Belgian French and English)!
Imagine my surprise when I saw a 2.60 Italian DB STILL IN ITALIAN!
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BUT, believe it or not, there are people here that also have worked with version 1.x 2.0 or even DOS.
There were some great solution already back then. Yes there was NAV life before 3.x
[sorry O:) ]
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Belgium Canada South Afrika (correct me if I'm wrong)
Ok that was history class for today
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