dear all,
would u share information with me for this problem :
i have 1 sales order, let's say for 900 unit bicycle, i run planning worksheet to find out how many production order that system will suggest
how the system can give me a suggestion to create production order for every shift that i have set-up in the working shift (example, 900 unit in sales order, become production order no.1 : 400 unit, production order no.2 : 400 unit, and production no.3 : 200 unit, calculation based on machine capacity and working hours)
right now, system only create 1 production order for every line in sales order
thank u
If you want to create multiple production order based on work shift, you must create multiple sales order line for one item in the same location but different shipment date, try to make it different. Although you set your capacity to be 3 shifts a day (in work center, and your machine center is consolidated to it), just the manufacturing lead time will be more shorter but the system will not create automatically 3 production orders based on your request. finite loading can't also give help. You can't use planning worksheet to create multiple production orders of one item in the same location, but use sales order planning windows. I think you need to make customisation if you disagree.
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