Navision has forced me into supplying a posting group and I am not sure why.
In a test database I have created a Finance Charge Memo successfully (I assigned a misc. posting group to make an error message go away). This is what happened prior to doing so ...
The Finance Charge Memo Form functions 'Create Finance Charge Memos' and 'Suggest Fin. Charge Memo Lines' both tell me that I need to specify an Interest Account for the Customer Posting Group which is assigned to the customer I am charging interest.
I therefore assign an Interest Account (G/L Account) but I am told I need to specify a General Product Posting Group for this G/L Account.
I am confused as to why I need to assign a General Product Posting Group to an Interest Account ??? It has nothing to do with product, it is simply interest.
Can someone please explain this logic?
Thank you very much.
Therefore this field is mandatory when posting a G/L Journal.
Why can the Business Posting Group be blank you ask?
Well this is so you can do Inventory Adjustments, with a blank Business Posting Group and the Mandatory Product posting group from the Item record, that will decide where to hit the G/L Accounts.
But you cannot have the Product Posting Group blank.
B.T.W run the General Posting Setup table and you will see what I am saying, the records with the Blank GBPG only hit the COGS and Inventory Accounts, the Sales and Purchase posting accounts are blank.
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