I have a problem regarding dataports
Every day i export all invoices and credit notes to send them to a factoring company
I now have a dataport With 4 dataitems
1: integer -> 1 header record
2: Sales Invoice Header -> all invoices of that day
3: Sales Cr.Memo Header -> all credit notes of that day
4: integer -> 1 footer record with control numbers
the dataitemseperator is <NewLine>
This works fine except if there are no credit notes that day, in that case navision will leave a blank line between dataitem 2 and 4. And my file is rejected by the factoring company.
Is there a simpel to make the system not a newline when there is a dataitem with no records within the filter?
As i look now the only alternatif that i have is to put the Sales Invoice Header and the Sales Cr.Memo Header in a temporary table and export those values.
If there is anybody with a better alternative?
thanks in advance?
Greetings Peter
You could try something like that in the "OnPreDataItem" trigger:
-- Alejandro --
It worked