Editable field in a form.

jossh856jossh856 Member Posts: 3
Hi! First sorry for my english I'm from spain and i dont know how to express well the problem i have.
I want to put a field in a form editable BUT, not editable as always. If you look the object designer, you can see that the names of the tables or the numbers are not editable at first sight, because you click on them and they don't seem to be editable, but if you click twice they are put editable as true. :S
Well I want to do the same at a form, with a field, so if you click on it, it is not editable, you cant select the words that are in the field, but if you click twice or F2 it puts editable and you cant write as normal.
I dont know if you understant me but if not, please tell me and i will try to explain again.
Many thanks
Bye ;P


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