i got a flowfield in the primary form based on the lines of the subform.
how i can update the flowfield in the primary form when i change the line in the subform?
You can declare a variable in the subform MyRec: type record, based on the header table, than add a textbox with the SourceExpression MyRec.FlowFieldName.
In the OnAfterGetCurrRecord trigger of the SubForm You can do MyRec.GET(Key), MyRec.CALCFIELDS(FlowFieldName)
Like Mark I have done this by cheating, I created a flowfield on the Sales lines before, then resized the Datagrid in the sub form, placed on my flowfields underneath, and it looks as though they are on the main form, cannot even see the join.
http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... +flowfield
http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... rm+subform
You can try to move the flowfield from the header to the line table and put it on the subform.
You can make a flowfield on the line table looking at the line table where the document number is the same.
Onpush trigger add
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Yes, that is also a posibility
In the OnAfterGetCurrRecord trigger of the SubForm You can do MyRec.GET(Key), MyRec.CALCFIELDS(FlowFieldName)
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i think it's not possible without the ontimer trigger
Another approach is to not use a subform at all.
Just create a form with a tablebox, and have the table box display the lines you want.
For the header information, display those in custom created textboxes and labels.
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