User Permissions for MenuSuite

Kit_TomshojKit_Tomshoj Member Posts: 6
I have upgraded 2 sites to 4.01 and in both cases the users get permission problems with MBS (Menu Suite code 10).
When I try to enter this in the roles, I see no object type MenuSuite in the drilldown for object types.
I have scanned the Q&A's on this site and not found an answer.
Does anyone have a clue?
Thanks in advance.
Kit Tomshoj
NovaVision Software


  • colingbradleycolingbradley Member Posts: 162
    Are they on SQL?
    If so, the permissions control has been handed to SQL.
    In some cases, you have to add permissions to read tables not in the client's licence.
    All a bit odd.
    You also have to run Synchronize.

    I put a copy on my portable (running SQL) to nail it down as the Synchronize can take a while.
    Experience is what you get when you hoped to get money
  • Kit_TomshojKit_Tomshoj Member Posts: 6
    I found the reason.
    In both cases the language text file was not properly installed, so the tet for the options in the drilldown was not visible.
    With the character 7 I am now able to give the user permission to the role.
    Stupid mistake, but likely not to be the last one 8-[
    Kit Tomshoj
    NovaVision Software
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