Dear All,
It has taken 21.0 seconds to run a report form that I've created in Navision from a button. What I write in the button C/AL code is:
xxx:= Rec;
Meanwhile in the report itself contains 2 dataitems:
1. xxxx
The xxx is a record from table xxxx
2. yyyy
The yyyy is a record of table yyyyy
The report will be processed by system then the result is a form like warehouse shipment or create pick. Actually I want the button to create it automatically the header and the line of the new form (similar with warehouse shipment creating from sales order) based on what I set in the option tab of the report I've created.
Last night was very fast but today it isn't fast anymore. I have expanded the database until 200000 KB but still not work good. How to solve this problem ? Any answers are welcome and tks in advance.
I will admit and explain what I've done, because I've got headache why it's gonna be take 21 seconds since last 12 hours ago (from 00.00 am to 12.53 pm today) to run it. Actually, I've created a button in the sales order to create a transfer order automatically contains item in the sales line. I put 2 location codes in the sales line i.e. location from code and location to code but the second location is from customer card. So the sales order officer only fill location from code. Transfer ship date and receipt date are also automatically created. It took 2 days ((spent 3 hours a day) for me to design it
detail in:
2) Check running processes, which one is utilizing the CPU etc..
MVP - Dynamics NAV