Did anyone call tell what is the purpose of general posting setup, general business posting, and general product posting for GL account?
If a particular GL account selected for a journal and the balancing account equal to customer or vendor. System will showed warning message in the test report stated that "Gen Posting Setup must be set". However, if the journal created does not mean for either "Sales" or "Purchase" then "General Posting setup" for the account should be "Blank". But yet system still not allow to post, until either "sales" or "purchase" has been selected.
As far as concerned, the general posting groups in GL account did not impact financially, however, system still need to default the value so that it can be posted, am i right? :-k
Also have a look at the G/L Account Card, for the accounts, you are trying to post to.
Look at 6710 in Cronus, look at the Posting tab, Here you will see that the Gen. Business Posting Group etc: are filled in, when you select that Account in a journal they are copied across.
The Business Posting Group comes from a Customer and Vendor, and the Product posting group comes from an Item, based on the combination of business and Product Posting Groups, navision knows what to post and to Where.
So in your case, you are using a Customer, which has a Business Posting Group, you need a Product Posting Group to tell Navision where to post Tax etc:, you cannot just post without these, as every posting for a Customer and Vendor, go through a Control Account, to stop any missuse.
Look at general posting setup, to get an overview, of how this works.
There are also other control Accounts, like the Debtors, Creditors, Job, TAX Etc:, where you cannot directly post, this you will see on the G/L Account Card as Direct Posting flagged as No, do Not Change these under any conditions.
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