Hi i have got few queris.
1. when we create users in Sql Srrver and define roles in Navision, Do we need to synchronise before the user can login?
2. Also does all users need to logout before we run the synchrosiation ?
3. Do we also need to stop the NAS if there is one running.
I will appreciate all your replies.
Thanks & Regards,
2. no, but performance issues (locking). In sp1 u can synch one user at a time.
3. no, unless you are changing permission for nas. you'll run into the same issues as regular users.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
2. I would highly suggest it. I end up doing the syncs at night to avoid potential problems. I have seen plenty of deadlocks with users, even with only one user logging in while I was syncing. Of course these deadlocks stop the process and it has to be done again.
3. Following the advice of #2, I would also say yes.