ADCS - CAN NOT FIND PIPE: Assure the pipe server is started

HushdontspammeHushdontspamme Member Posts: 56

I am using Nav 3.7B and i can get ADCS to work with the CRONUS company. I would like to test this on the Live company, so i have updated NAS to point at LIVE company, installed ADCS FOB, Enabled Use ADCS for Warehouse Location.

When trying to access ADCS via HyperTerminal i just get a flashing cursor and in the eventlog (Application) get:

Could not send Message to NAS
CAN NOT FIND PIPE: Assure the pipe server is started, check share name.

Does anyone have any pointers on how to resolve the above error.

I am using SQL.



  • RedFoxUARedFoxUA Member Posts: 21
    If I understood corryctly, when you RUN Demo (Cronus) database - all work good.
    When you change the database on real company, you don't connect via HyperTerminal?

    Are you assure what you correctly change comnany Name in NAS, ADCS and Windows-register (path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Navision\ADCS)?

    If you what receive the answer, send me more information what is you do and what is write error!!
    Yuriy Golyachuk, NAV Solutions Specialist & Developer
    Skype: RedFoxUA
  • HushdontspammeHushdontspamme Member Posts: 56

    Thanks for the reply: I have changed the NAS, and now updated the registry Relay Pipe and RequestPipe: rebooted and still get the same error.

    Where do i changed the company name in ADCS?

    Many Thanks
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