dropping sell-to customer pricing automatically on orders

COIBoyCOIBoy Member Posts: 17
I have a sell-to customer set up with a different customer as the bill-to. Now this bill-to customer pays for several sell-to customers' statements and some get different sales pricing than others. My problem is that the sell-to customers prices don't automatically drop in when I'm entering a sales order, the system will, however, drop in sales prices if they are set up for the bill-to. I was wondering if there is a way for Navision to automatically drop in prices for each individual sell-to when several customers (with different pricing) share a common bill-to.

Thanks for the help.


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    When you mean drop prices are you talking about setting up "Customer Invoice Discounts"?

    Do you have different "price groups" set up for multiple prices for the same item depending on the type code?
    cust type "A" - 5.00
    cust type "B" - 4.95
    cust type "C" - 4.90
    cust type "D" - 4.85
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