I have a sell-to customer set up with a different customer as the bill-to. Now this bill-to customer pays for several sell-to customers' statements and some get different sales pricing than others. My problem is that the sell-to customers prices don't automatically drop in when I'm entering a sales order, the system will, however, drop in sales prices if they are set up for the bill-to. I was wondering if there is a way for Navision to automatically drop in prices for each individual sell-to when several customers (with different pricing) share a common bill-to.
Thanks for the help.
Do you have different "price groups" set up for multiple prices for the same item depending on the type code?
cust type "A" - 5.00
cust type "B" - 4.95
cust type "C" - 4.90
cust type "D" - 4.85