I just submitted this topic on the public MBS Nav forum. A colleague of mine found it in a DEU-version of SP2 last night.
This correction applies to NAV 4.00 SP1 and SP2, at least in W1 and Germany
(incl. the German Add-On's).
In table 5980 "Job Scheduler Mgt. Setup"
under fields "Scheduler is Running" - OnValidate()-trigger
the following code is found:
SessionRef.SETVIEW('WHERE("My Session"=FILTER(Yes))');
This is not valid code for non-ENU languages.
To support e.g. DEU the code has to be changed to
SessFieldRef := SessionRef.FIELD(3);
<Sorry, I was to lazy to change the hard-coded-text to a text-constant :-)>
Yours sincerly,
Thomas Hviid Thorn