Hi there,
I'm trying to do a data upgade for a client from 301 to 401. I have the GB objects for SP1 but when I use them I get cases where I have too many ValueEntries for the items. Partnersource told me to use the objects for SP2 instead, but I can only find GBUpgrade301400.1.fob with the toolkit - GBUpgrade301400.2.fob is not there.
Does anyone else have it? I tried using the W! version but had too many erros - it probably conflicts with the GB version.
And, has anyone else managed to do a successful data upgrade from 301 to 401 with the UK version?
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
I am going to run it soon and see how it turns out, will post an update.