
Cannot start Nav Server service on Win 2003 server

alvi99alvi99 Member Posts: 71
edited 2006-05-29 in Navision Financials
Hi there,

When I install the Navision server(s) 2.60 on windows 2003 server and place the database(s) on that server everything works fine. When I try to attach a database that is located on a shared network drive the Navision Server service can’t start.

I get this error:
Could not start the Financials Server XXXXX service on Local Computer. Error 1: Incorrect function.

From event viewer:
The operating system cannot find the drive and directory specified for the file Y:\XXX\XXX\XXX.fdb .Please check that the drive, directory and file names are correct.

The user running the service is administrator. I have tried to give everybody full access to the folder where XXX.fdb is located but it didn’t help.

I could just move all the databases from the network drive to the win 2003 server, but the space I have available there is limited.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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    bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    The database file must be on a local server drive.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
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    alvi99alvi99 Member Posts: 71
    Okay, thanks!
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