Automation and PCMILER ver. 19.1

DocDoc Member Posts: 8
Is anyone currently using Navision Automation to run PCMILER Worldwide 19.1 using PCMILER's "Connect" functionality?

Scott's post (MUID:DUHE) of some years ago indicated there was a com object available from PCMILER; however, it does not seem to be there today.

Registration of the pcmsrv32.dll using Regsvr32.exe results in the "...dll was loaded, but the DllReisgterServer entry point was not found / The file can not be registed," error. This, I believe, tells me that this dll is not an Active-X control.

Suggestions? TIA.
"For he wins who fires first and can deliver the heaviest fire."


  • thaugthaug Member Posts: 106
    We use it without any problems. I thought we were the only one!

    Do you have the full version of PC Miler installed on your machine as well as the Connect option? I've had to install both on my developement machine in order to get this to work. And, the Connect option is on the same CD as PC Miler, but you need the license from ALK for it.
    There is no data, only bool!
  • DocDoc Member Posts: 8
    Yes, I've installed PCMiler and the Connect option with full (although time-limited) licensing on the development machine.

    The manual provides no reference to Active-X at all and since I can't seem to register the pcmsrv32.dll, I thought we were going back to the days of API's.

    What are the automation variables you set up? Did the come from the pcmsrv32.dll?

    Thx. for posting a reply to my original.
    "For he wins who fires first and can deliver the heaviest fire."
  • thaugthaug Member Posts: 106
    I used:
    Name	DataType	Subtype	Length
    PCMilerServer	Automation	'pcmsole 1.0 Type Library'.PCMServer	
    PCMilerTrip	Automation	'pcmsole 1.0 Type Library'.IPCMTrip

    You might want to try a fresh install of Navision and PC Miler on another machine to see if you can get it to work.
    There is no data, only bool!
  • DocDoc Member Posts: 8

    That worked wonders! Thank you. With the reload and understanding their manual is slighty outdated ( ](*,) ), I was able to get the required functionality to work.

    Seeing this has only whetted the user's appetite for functions. :idea:
    "For he wins who fires first and can deliver the heaviest fire."
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