When i am posting payment, It is necessery to calculate and post reverse charge VAT amount to General ledger and VAT entrys.
For example: Payment From Bank Account to Vendor . 118 LCY
I need aditional entrys:
1) Debit 18 LCY Unrealized VAT account and Credit 18 LCY VAT account
2) Debit 18 LCY VAT account and Credit 18 LCY Unrealized VAT account
How to setup it in Navision? :oops:
Andrejs Muraskins
u have to specify VAT Posting groups and do some setup on the G/L setup card.
Tell me any setup u have done yet about VAT
Vivek Srivastava
"Future Belongs to those who beleive in the beauty of their dreams"
in General Ledger Setup: activate flag
Unrealized VATin VAT Posting Setup (for the combinationg of VAT Business Posting Group + VAT Product Posting Group):
a) select the correct Unrealized VAT type (e.g. in Italy we use Percentage);
b) insert the Unreal. Account where to post the VAT when posting invoice, the normal VAT account will be used when the payment is posted and applied to the invoice with unrealized VAT
I try different setups, but can't get reverse VAT entries for payment.