
Payment Discount Tolerance date

aarondaarond Member Posts: 16
edited 2006-05-30 in Navision Financials
I think I found a problem, has anyone else found this:

A customer has no Payment Discount date calculation formula set up. An invoice is posted with a different posting date from the document date.

Result - the Pmt Discount date gets populated with the document date, but the Pmt Disc Tolerance date equals the date plus the global grace tolerance period. This is crazy as the customer doesn't have any payment discount terms!

The customer isn't entitled to any discount, but the system thinks they have grace period to the payment discount tolerance! If they post a payment before this grace period it suggests posting this discount.

What actually happens with this scenario is - the invoice gets closed, but the payment picks up the debit balance!!!

Has anyone else seen this?



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    aarondaarond Member Posts: 16
    Hi again,

    Does anyone know how to address this issue?

    I've got an irate customer who have client with no Payment discount set up, but they are getting Payment tolerance dates attached to invoices if the document date and the posting date differ on the invoice!

    The annoyance is the message which pops up asking them if they want to give this paricular customer the discount, as its within a phantom tolerance period for a zero discount!!


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    SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    I hate so see you hanging out to dry here.

    But I've never read a post about this situation myself.
    Sounds like a missing setup somewhere.
    is it with certain customers only?
    have the terms been setup correctly?

    I've read your post a few times but I'm not 100 clear.
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    aarondaarond Member Posts: 16
    Sorry if I seem unclear, but it does happen for all customers. The terms are correct - for customer who don't receive payment discount - the payment discount due date calc is empty as is the %.

    But, if I create a invoice with a different posting date to the document date - the system looks at the global Payment discount tolerance (eg 1M for 1 month) and allocates a date (for one month from the document date) for the 'Payment Discount Tolerance date'.

    Surely this is a problem? My customer is frustrated, and if the client pays before this time period, they get asked if they want to treat it as Payment Discount, and if applied is 0%!

    An example I ran was 117.5 Invoice, pay 100 before the Payment Discount Tolerance date - it closes the invoice as paid, but allocates a 17.5 DEBIT balance to a receipt, this doesn't make logical or financial sense!!!!

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    sggsgg Member Posts: 109
    On The PAYMENTS TAB of the Customer Card, There is a field Called Block Payment Tolerance .

    I believe that is the field you need to Check for the customers that should not have Payment Tolerance.

    Have you done that?
    Sunday, Godwin G
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    aarondaarond Member Posts: 16

    Checking this field blocks the payment discount tolerance dates appearing, but also blocks payment tolerances.

    As a company they allow up to 20% payment tolerance percentage. So by addressing the payment discount problem, we could cause payment tolerance problems.

    It is strange that the payment discount tolerance date only appears when they have a difference between the document date and posting date, if they are the same the ptd doesn't get calculated!!

    It must be a Navision-ism!
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