Forward Flushing using RLC

SVSV Member Posts: 10

When i use forward flushing using RLC, it does not flush by operation in 4.0 SP2.

Any clues?


  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Dear friend,
    If you use routing link code and forward flushing, you must set it first in the item card, in the flushing method field in the machine center, in the the routing, certified the routing, then set the RLC in the prod. BOM and certified the BOM.
    Then, you must you prod. journal, to see the RLC for item is splitted.
    If all settings no results, check using debugger or search CU related to it, check the CU, table etc.


    "Morbid Angel"
  • SVSV Member Posts: 10
    Dear Friend,

    I had checked the flushing methods in all the BoM cards. I had trid everything before posting the query. I had worked on it on 4.0 base version without any problem.

    Any other likely issues???

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