Business Notification - success !

Lisa_RandallLisa_Randall Member Posts: 44
edited 2009-08-25 in NAV Tips & Tricks
Hi there i have noted that so many people seem to have problems installing this ( i was one of them) however i seem to have cracked it.

Firstly make sure that if running version 4 no service packs that you have the designer.dll hoftix other Other wise you will have problems with the notication manager.

Also make sure that you have US language on IE - Tools, internet Options, language add us and make sure to move it to the top. ( this only applied to people in Europe) if you dont do this the webpage will show as blank when trying to subscribe.

When loading The business Notification copy the CD to the Root Drive and this will prevent any corruptions with the install.

Also put a copy of the customers license file into the Business Notification NAS Directory Not NAS as we know if BN has a seperate application server. Make sure that you rename this file to Cronus.flf

Make sure that the license file has two granules for BN ( Worksheet Lines) 7110 and 7010 without these it will not work at all.

When installing make sure to avoid using IP adress or local host as this causes problems with the sending and receiving of emails.

Once installed create a New BN USER in Active directory and Give them Super user rights and all admin rights for BN in navision.

Go to admin tools and services and locate the two services that are required for BN ( NS$Business Notification service and Notification service) Go to properties and log on for each and assign the BN USER as the log on for these services.

Make sure that you can reach your email server Telnetmailserver25 from the cmd prompt.

Make sure that you go to BN Setup from navision and enable Send notification once you have created Schema from BN Manager, Make sure that the schema is started then close out and go to Navision and suggest lines from the notification worksheet, you should see that if you have correctly created the schema there will be lines available to send, send these lines.

Check the message store in SQL Which is where they hit first if there is nothing in here check the transmission log which is where they will go if they are being sent to Exchange, Now check the event viewer if they have succesfully reached the BN Log in event viewer you will have a message saying so...If not check the event log for details ....

I think that I have tried to cover everything in there doubt there will be things i may have missed please feel free to email me if you need any help.



  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from Navision forum to Navision Tips & Tricks forum. A good Tips&Trick]
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • Lisa_RandallLisa_Randall Member Posts: 44
    i'll forgive you ;)
  • GarethGareth Member Posts: 17
    Thanks Lisa.

    The US Language option fix for a blank Subscribe screen also applies to New Zealand.

    Cheers, Gareth.
  • arvinder_singharvinder_singh Member Posts: 10
    Hi Lisa

    Thank's for your detailed help on BN i am facing a problem on sending E-
    Mail can u tell how to configure SMTP Server or where i can find the (telnetmailserver25) service that u talked about

    With regrds
  • GnovaldGnovald Member Posts: 67
    Hi Lisa

    Thank's for your detailed help on BN i am facing a problem on sending E-
    Mail can u tell how to configure SMTP Server or where i can find the (telnetmailserver25) service that u talked about

    With regrds

    Good morning Arvinder!

    If I understand your last question on this thread, you wanted to know how to use the Telnet commando in order to check for connection to your exchange/mail server?

    In order to Telnet your mailserver you open up a command window (CMD on the Start-menu), wright "Telnet mailserver 25", then hit the Enter key. If you receive an answer from your mailserver than you have a connection between the mailserver and the server you are trying this from, hense you have a succefull connection, hense you should be able to send emails from Navision and also receive the emails with a email account!
  • GnovaldGnovald Member Posts: 67
    A few hints on the way!

    Use a local administrator while installing Business Notification Manager.

    Change the logon account to domain admin on the service:
    "Notification Service Deployment Manager".

    And also change the logon account to domain admin on the service:

    Don't forget to change the ASP.NET settings on the three websites (created by BNM installation) to version 2 of .net.

    Don't miss to put in the whole domain name for the exchange server i.e. servernamn.domainname.local.

    Also do this for the native settings for Navision - if the Navision database are located on another server.

    While creating schemes do not try to use a email adress in plain text for the external recipient i.e The BNM will not recognize the format and stop the whole notification process (this is actually creating an event in the event viewer). Better to put in a test email adress into one customer account in Navision and use that customer for test purposes.

    As far as I can determine you have to add single users and no groups as recipients in Business Notification Manager.

    And last but not least. I have just now installed Business Notification Manager on the production server, started up a few schemes for test purposes and evaluation. Then it's up to my colleques (the Navision experts) to set up a bunch of real schemes and notifications for the users to use :)
  • mightykidmightykid Member Posts: 23
    i have a problem with BN not sending e-mails. the messages goes through message log and the transfer log but no e-mail is sent. also, the Business Notification Event log is empty. Waht could be the problem?


    it was a problem with permissions in IIS.
  • damodar123damodar123 Member Posts: 36
    hi Lisa ..

    I have a problem with BN when iam trying to create to create a new schema.The error is "An Error occured while trying to connect to Navision. plz make sure that your navision client is running".

    My Navision client also running......

    what is the problem..?

    plz kindly give reply...
  • andy76andy76 Member Posts: 616
    I ask you if partner standard license (our does not contain explicitly granule no. 7110 and 7010) can run however the business notification server.
    We have to make some internal test.

    Thank you.
  • andy76andy76 Member Posts: 616

    I installed successfully NAV BN 5.0 with server SQL.

    The problem is that after that, the NASSQL that was installed before, for scheduling jobs fails to schedule.

    I have seen that BN has installed another NASSQL in his subfolder. I already copied our license file to this folder and renamed it as Cronus.flf as you said but I have again problem with the original NASSQL (external to BN).

    My questions are:

    - BN and NASSQL are compatibles on same machine with same domain user running them?
    - BN can not use same NASSQL (only one instance) already present? If yes, how is it possible to set this?
    - Other suggestions?

    My problems are that NASSQL original, present as Windows service fails both to schedule job in JOBQUEUE 5.0 and also fails to stop.. the status remains stopping for a long time and then I have to kill it.

    Thank you very much
  • RanaRana Member Posts: 123
    Check the message store in SQL Which is where they hit first if there is nothing in here check the transmission log which is where they will go if they are being sent to Exchange, Now check the event viewer if they have succesfully reached the BN Log in event viewer you will have a message saying so...If not check the event log for details ....

    Hi Lisa & All,

    I am trying to send mail via BN.There are data in "Transmission Log" but no mail is generated.

    In Event Viewer I got the following message

    A delivery failure was reported.
    Distributor ID: 1
    Distributor Name: SERVER
    Delivery Channel Name: SMTPNotificationChannel
    Notification ID: 488
    Notification Class Name: NotificationsOfScheme94c79bd9_d017_47af_ab34_9decc9ea56fc
    Notification Status Info:
    InstanceName: BusinessNotificationInstance
    ApplicationName: MBSBN
    Component: Distributor
    ComponentDetails: DistributorName: SERVER
    Thread: 5
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at

    How to overcome frm this situation? Plz reply.. ](*,)
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