About service management problems

mark_christsmark_christs Member Posts: 156
Dear All,
I would like to ask you about service item worksheet and order in Navision. My questions as follows:
1. If I set allocated hours 5 and starting date 051106, starting time 11.38. I didn't specify expected finishing date. When I set status to be finished today (051206), the system doesn't record it and also the time, how to make navision can set them ? in this case, I will not let my computer 24 hours on.
2. If I insert item in the service item worksheet line but make it as new component, must it have fault area code, symptom code, fault code and resolution code field filled ? I think it shouldn't but I've seen in the line the fields filled because it is a new item
3. I wonder why "adjust service pricing" process can only be done for one line of service item worksheet,for example if in the header I select service price group code field to be "RESOURCE", then the resource is existing in the service item worksheet line that can be adjusted. if there are more than one for example here are cost and item where all of them have been written in the price adjustment group table and price group table, I can't adjust.
Anyhelp from you are expected. Tks beforehand.

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