Eship UPS Maxicode Wrong!

SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
edited 2006-05-19 in Navision Attain
I've been getting a few calls from UPS about our UPS Maxicode being wrong on our UPS labels.

A Maxicode is ->

It hasn't been a big deal "ever" but now they have a hub in Ohio that is fully automated and uses the Maxicode to sort all incoming boxes.

They are in the process of sending me exactly what's wrong with the label but I wan't to get a heads up on if anyone else using Lanham Eship has received the call from UPS??

Took me forever to find where the Maxicode was even being generated.
I believe I've narrowed it to Codeunit 14000761 UPS Transaction.
          MaxiCode :=
            '[)>' + tRS + '01' + tGS + '96' + TrackingNo + tGS + 'UPSN' + tGS +
            "Shipping Agent Account No." + tGS + tJulDayShip + tGS + ShipmentID +
            tGS + STRSUBSTNO('%1/%2',"Package No.","Total Packages") + tGS +
            STRSUBSTNO('%1',ROUND("Calculation Weight (LBS)",1,'>')) + tGS + 'N' + tGS +
            tGS + CleanString(ShipToCity) + tGS + CleanString(ShipToState) + tRS + tEOT;


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