Hi everybody,
we updated one of our customer from Navision Financials 2.60 to 4.0 SP1 and since that time we have severe problems with sessions, that hang and after some time stop new users from logging on, when licensed count is reached:
You open a client log on, do some work. Then close the database and try to log on again. Your first session is still active and the second one, too.
Strange ... :-k
The networking infrastructure, client and server hardware did not change, just Navision was updated.
Server has 256MB cache, no commit cache, protocoll is TCP.
I know of the tcp/ip-registry-hack for setting a timeout. But this would be only an option if I have an unstable network connection and the sessions break, but this is not the case.
Does anybody know of such a problem? Any ideas?
Thank You in advance,
I found out something new:
1) The problem only occurs if the navision client is not used for a longer time period. If I then close the navision client the session hangs.
2) I did a "netstat -no" on the client side to find out a bit more.
If the session is not terminated properly, there is even after closing the client a session with status "established". The process ID of that session belongs to the (already terminated) navision client.
The normal way would be an entry in netstat saying "waiting" and no process id. That entry disappears after some time
Any ideas?
thanks for your hint but the KeepAliveTime-Parameter is not set in the registry.
Are there any other parameters to check?
Is Navision still trying to do something? I know you haven't changed anything, but could it be something like trying to save the zup file but no permission to do so?
the process of the Navision client does not exist any more in the task list.
And the problem occurs even if you just close the connection to the database in the client and not close the whole client.
Then reconnect in the client and the same user is logged on two times.