Currency Exchange Rate not updating on sales lines

navman001navman001 Member Posts: 15
Hi everyone, not sure if this is a bug in standard navision GB 4.00, but if you enter a sales order in a foriegn currency then change the posting date on the sales header so that it falls within a new currency exchange rate, although the system prompts you if you wish to update the exchange rate, the existing sales line prices remain the same, but if you enter a new sales line onto the order then it picks up the new exchange rate. Can anyone clarify if this is how it is supposed to function or is it a bug? Any help is much appreciated, thanks - Navman001 ](*,)


  • navman001navman001 Member Posts: 15
    Doesn't matter what version, it also happens in 3.70 as well as 4.00, the unit price remains the same on existing sales lines after the change in the currency exchange rate, only new lines pick up the new rate.
  • navman001navman001 Member Posts: 15
    Hi, thanks for your help but the price is being taken from the unit price on the item card, which is in lcy, because the order is in US dollars navision converts the price from the item card to US currency, try it - change the posting date on the header so that it prompts you about the exchange rate and put another line onto the order using the same item no., the unit price is different from the previous line. - Mike
  • SteveOSteveO Member Posts: 164
    The system doesn't know whether the price has been taken off of the item card or whether the user has typed it in themselves. That is why it doesn't update the price. It assumes that the price that is on the line is the price that the customer is getting, like Blacktiger said it is only for calculating the LCY it's assuming that you already know what the FCY amounts should be.
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  • navman001navman001 Member Posts: 15
    Hi BlackTiger, I've already checked that function out which only showed that the unit price is not updated, I wanted to know whether this was intentional or not which SteveO has answered to my satisfaction - thanks to both of you for your help. - Navman001
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