About manufacturing operation

mark_christsmark_christs Member Posts: 156
Dear All experts,
I would like to ask you. My questions are sequenching as follows:
1. Machine / Work center
I have some machines that operate serial If the machines operates 24 hours - 7 days to produce products, how to set run time, wait time, move time etc in the routing contains the machines ? My machines also have operating conditions set up like flowrate, temperature and pressures, and the output will be depends on the set up and fluctuations. I want to know also about how to set the maintenance, overhaul, or estimated sudden break down of the machines and then the production can know to control its equipment operation and know production capacity in terms of quantity unit of measure.
2. Item grades
I want to ask you about the set up of one item in the item card that purchased from more than one supplier with different grade rate (quality rate) and the prices are different one another ? Do I need to create more than one item card ?
3 Tracing the output of every machines and unit cost and machine cost
I also want to know about tracing of output from every operation sequence in production of one item so that I can know whether my expected output will be as same as actual output and if not same, I will know in what machines or equipment the actual output begin not same as expected or planned output, meanwhile my machines operate 24 hours a day, do I need to use item tracking and lot no. with serial no. ?
4. Creating bill of materials
I want to know whether I have to make some changes/customizings for example:
product name = flour (solid powder)
raw materials = wheat flour grade A, grade B
raw materials contents = 10% water, 2% other mixed organics compounds, 88% flour (grd A) raw materials contents = 15%water, 5% other mixed organics compounds, 80% flour (grd B)
for example based on plant experiences, 1 lbs flour needs 1.5 wheat flour grade A and mixed with 0.5 lbs wheat flour grade B will processed in an liquid-solid extractor, and the final output 0.9 lbs of 99.99% flour (powder). how to set it in the BOM ? Do I have to fill 0.88 lb wheat flour A but not 1.5 lb and 0.8 lbs wheat flour grade B but not 0.5 lb so that I can use MRP effectively and can buy the raw materials. Do I need to make customisation ? because in Navision standard the examples are only bicycle, furnitures, computers and sheet metal.
5. Definition and usage of Def. Gen. Product Posting Group
I see in Navision W14.00.01, in which there are retail, raw material, service, manufacturing, etc. but if my product sell to other manufacturing company as a raw material, what do I have to write ? is it still retail ? If I change the retail to be food ingredients, what else that have to be changed ?
6. Expiration of raw materials & product
There are expire date of my products and raw materials, where do I have to write the dates? in the expiration calculation field on tab item tracking in the item card or warranty date formula field on tab Misc. in the item tracking card ?
Many thanks for your answers beforehand.

Mark Christs


  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    1. Maintenance and other downtime can be posted in the Capacity Journal. As for 24/7 operation, it has nothing to do with run and other times on routings. Routings and machines are loosely coupled, that's the whole point of CRP: the routing says that this product I can make in five minutes, and this the capacity demand, and the machine centers says I can offer, say, 24*60*2 for example minutes per day as a capacity supply. So run time and others are dependent on the product. What the machine offers, is the Machine Calendar.

    2. An Item can be set up to be bought from different Vendors at Item Card, Purchase menu, and Vendors and Prices menu item. No grade though, but you can add this field yourself.

    3. I think it has nothing to do with tracking, just manually posting Output in the Output Journal and looking at Prod. Order, Line menu, Routing, where you will see expected and actual output.

    5. I don't think there is a general answer, just post a few Prod. Orders with different posting groups and look where it posted to the G/L.

    6. Yes, on the expiration calculation, or you can setup Item Tracking Code to force the manual entry of expiration date.

    However, there are some conceptual problems. Navision Manufacturing does NOT work for all kind of production companies, and Navision CRP is even more narrow.

    The whole term "manufacturing" means assembly, means putting machinery together. A bakery or a sewing shop is NOT manufacturing, it's "production" or "processing". It's not by chance that the BOM is called BOM and not a recipe!

    However, for the basic Prod. Order and BOM functionalites you might try to use in such shops as well, because they do nothing else but post output and material usage, and this is fairly standard in any industry. To setup BOM, you can't use percentages, but you can set it up as weight or cubage units of measures : 1kg of bread needs 453 gram of flour and a litre of water etc. It should work.

    For Demand planning, that only works for those companies who operate in a pull-system: Sales Orders or minimum inventories directly pull Prod. Orders and Prod. Orders directly pull Purchase Orders.

    For CRP, it ONLY works for discrete manufacturing, assembly companies, and actually for those who use the magic word "homogenous machine center planning" or "work center oriented planning" or "shop floor style manufacturing". The terms Navision CRP using are NOT special Navision terms, but the generally accepted terms of the discrete manufacturing, for example, car parts assembly industry - engineers DO use the term "homogenous machine center" in real life. These magic words I mentioned are real world capacity planning strategies, a lot of books are written about it and they are taught in universities - but only for discrete manufacturing, only for assembly!

    You might find a lucky combination of CRP setup that might work for a bakery, but this completely unsupported and unintended, and not very likely. I suggest to drop the whole concept of Navision CRP for bakeries and sewing shops and develop a CRP of your instead. It's not gonna be hard - Navision CRP is complicated, because it works in capacity defined in time units, but a custom CRP can just work in capacity defined in product units: "this machine can produce 200 units per day". It's not very hard to write a custom CRP for that, you can eve do it in Excel. Don't use Navision CRP because it's not designed for this task.
  • mark_christsmark_christs Member Posts: 156
    Dear Miklos,
    :D tks a lot for your reply. I will check it. You are very very kind man.. you never feel give up and and full of help to another need help. may you success all times.

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