GRN Problem

dkbleedkblee Member Posts: 41

I've keyed in the wrong qty to receive on the PO when doing GRN.
Instead of key in 1 on item A, i keyed in 1 on item B of that PO and posted and did the reclass from loc A to loc B.

How do i reverse back my mistake? Is there anything to do with undo shipment in this case?

Problem 2
The PO issued is 2pcs and GRN done is 2pcs on item A(suppose to post only 1 item)
But the physical item recieve is 1pcs.
A reclass is done for 1pcs from loc A to loc B
What step should i do to solve this mistake.

Pls advise the steps



  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    1. You might try to do an Undo Receipt after moving back the goods, but I am not sure it works. Moving the goods back, posting a Purchase Order line with negative quantity and taking care about exact cost reversal might do the trick.

    2. Just the same as for the first.

    (What does GRN mean, anyway? Grin or green? :) )
  • dkbleedkblee Member Posts: 41

    I've tried to do a undo receipt, but the system prompted me the msg remaining quanity must be 1 in ledger entry 12321. Any idea?

    GRN? Not very sure, i think it's goods receive note.
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Then do the second method, the receipt with negative qty. Take care about exact cost reversal (use fields Applies-From Item Entry or Applies-To Item Entry to ensure cost flows back).
  • dkbleedkblee Member Posts: 41
    So, it has nothing to do with undo shipment? The reason i ask is that someone is asking me to do an undo shipment, but think again it shouldn't have anything to do with that. The GRN/PO issue is on Purchase/Payable whereas the shipment is on sales/receivable.

    How's the "apply to" being use? apply to the ledger entry that's having problems?

    What do you think?

  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Undo is a better way, but if Navi does not allow it because the stock has been moved, then there isn't really any other way than a negative receipt. You coudl do a negative adjustment as well, but in that case the purchase invoice wouldn't really match the sum of the receipts.

    As for cost reversal, the point is applying to the ledger entry that has to be sent back. Logically, as the purchase entry is already applied by the relocation, relocation is applied by relocating back, you would apply it to the relocating back entry. That way you would override FIFO costing, and this is important, because by FIFO, it could be possible that you received an Item for a Unit Cost of 25 but you would send back one with 20. By overriding the FIFO, the cost forwarding flow will become a full circle, and thus accidentaly received and sent back items won't change your inventory value.
  • dkbleedkblee Member Posts: 41
    Hi! The UNDO you are reffering to here, is it undo shipment or undo receipt? I know that the normal procedure is to do an undo receipt. Does this related to undo shipment?

  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    I don't understand this question - Undo Receipt is on the Purchase Receipt, Undo Shipment is on the Sales Shipment. They are a kind of mirror functions, working the same way but completely unrelated.
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