Hello my Friends,
i have follow Problem:
I Run the Report "Inventory Valuation". As of 31.12.05
I Have an Item what Says me Quantity are 0.
But "Value" and "Cost Posted to G/L" have 5345 EUR.
This is not Correct, if i have not Items on Inventory, they can't have an Value .
I am comparing the Inventory with Items really counted, and then i found this Item (and others) , and i don't know, what i must make with this. The Item was not really count, because quantity in inevntory was 0.
I Hope you understand my bad english and have any tipps for me.
Viel Glück!
In Navision 3.6, you'll elminiate/reduce this problem if you run the adjust cost process everyday.
This problem has been address in Navision 3.7b forward.
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
Thanks for you answers. Analysing the Entrys, I found that Problem was I Bad Purchase Invoice, wich wrong Amount.
When Inventory Lines was created, the Application get the Last Purch Cost, but this was wrong, so the Inventory was wrong valuated.
At 31.12.05 Inventory says -2 Pieces, but Physically(really) there was not Item at Inventory, so the Application says "Plus 2 Items" , for Put Inventory at 0. But this 2 Items was valuated with wrong Price. So that I Have 0 Items in Inventory at 31.12.05, but have Cost Amount.
We run the Adjust Costs Process Daily, i have programmed a little Cronjob how do it, but in Time after 31.12.05 to Middle January, it wasn't run.
The Values for Today, actually are all rights, because the adjust cost process repair with the time some wrong prices.
Initially I think can "repair" this over Revaluation Journal, or Item Journal, with. Pos. Adjustment or Neg. Adjustment , but the after run Cost Adjust Process, its other way confused and disordered, has another value, but no Zero.
Perhaps i Must booking before 31.12.05, and not at 31.12.05 ?
Well, i will test this and this, and this other, perhaps it works, and if no, i have bad luck, it seems that our NSC can't help us , they mean that was our problem no run Adjust Cost Process after booking Inventory at 31.12.
oh Well... Thanks And regards.
The system calculates the unit cost by date (uses the "valuation date" in the entries). When posting neg. and pos. Adjustments the same "posting date", you will not get the result You wanted to. When you want correction of the unit costs, post the inventory to zero minimum 1 day before "reposting" the inventory.