where are the navision new databases?

BitaBita Member Posts: 46
Hi everybody
I install navision server and complete client on single machine, I saw four option in microsoft business solution-navision menu:

1-microsoft business solution-navision application server management,
2-microsoft business solution-navision
3-microsoft business solution-navision business notification
4-microsoft sql server option for microsoft business solution-navision,

when I ran option 2, then in database|new menu, I didn`t see my server, I saw [client only] in server name field, and in database name, I must be brows the path for file *.fdb, that I dont know how it is create, except database.fdb on this CD that was created.

but when I ran option 4, I saw my server name in server name field and I could new name for my new database, that I saw it on enterprise manager,

My question is about correct installing of navision server, does correct that I don`t see my server name on option 2, if not, which step or services, I must be repair,

note: All navision services are started successfuly(appserver classic, appserver sql, database server, application server) except NS$BusinessNotificationInstance that it is not started and error msg:

could not start the NS$BusinessNotificationInstance srvice on local computer. Error 2: The system can not find the file specified.

I don`t know which file is may be corrupted after or during the installation.

thanks for any help and advise,
I`m waiting for your idea, :-s :-k


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    There are two option for servers for Navision. Option 2 and option 4.
    Option 2 is navision server.
    Option 4 is SQL server.

    Navision has two clients for each server. Fin.exe for option 2 and finsql.exe for option 4.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    Bita wrote:
    when I ran option 2, then in database|new menu, I didn`t see my server, I saw [client only] in server name field, and in database name, I must be brows the path for file *.fdb, that I dont know how it is create, except database.fdb on this CD that was created.

    You installed everything correctly. When you're using the native Navision server, you'll need to manually type in the Server Name, you won't be able to lookup to it.
  • BitaBita Member Posts: 46
    edited 2006-05-17
    Hi Deadlizard & Rashed,
    thanks for your attention,
    I type my server name in server name field but when I typed new name on database name, It got error with this msg:

    The following message came from the server.
    The operating system cannot gain access to the file c:windows\system32\nav-db1.
    please check that the file type and attributes are correct.

    *nav-db1: my database name that I typed.

    How I create new database with new name, and How I create the file of new database,and which type of file is accepted, when I type "c:\windows\system32\nav-db1" in database name field, it was back to me the same follow error msg, but when I select client only, I could save my new database name in each path that I select, in clent I don`t see any database when I type my server name, and when I typed my database that I created in server, it was back to me this error msg:

    The network is not functioning correctly. A 'packet' has been corrupted (a checksum error). This error indicates that the network is not completely reliable. Please note how often this type of error occurs in the network. contact your system manager if you need assistance.

    What do I do now?
    Please help me to solve my problem. #-o [-o<
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Read the documentation about administration of Navision server (w1w1ism.pdf in DOC folder on install CD). There is all described (how to setup server, how to create new DB etc.). There are many things you need to know...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • bestianhowbestianhow Member Posts: 120
    Hi Bita,
    You need to read thru navision installation guide 1st.
    If you use the Navision Database Server, you also need to configure the "host" file and "services" file.
  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    If you use the Navision Database Server, you also need to configure the "host" file and "services" file

    You only need to configure these if you install the database server on a non-standard ip port.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • andrejsmandrejsm Member Posts: 122
    But the question was - why sometimes we get server names on lookup, but sometimes only [client only] :roll:
    And one more question - which is Navision database server default port?
    Andrejs Muraskins
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    You have the server list if you are using MS SQL servers - if you start finsql.exe

    You do not have the list if you are using Navision Native servers (if you do not extend AD schema) - if you start fin.exe
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • BitaBita Member Posts: 46
    bbrown wrote:
    If you use the Navision Database Server, you also need to configure the "host" file and "services" file

    You only need to configure these if you install the database server on a non-standard ip port.

    what is the mean of non-standard ip port, what is the standard ip port for navision?
    kine wrote:
    You do not have the list if you are using Navision Native servers (if you do not extend AD schema) - if you start fin.exe.

    I ran schemaxt.exe on navision server (when it is installasservice with nas command) , but I can`t see server list on server name.

    I can`t yet create new database with server name type, how do I correct my error that I described in old message to create new database?
    I read some part of ism.pdf document, but it didn`t describe somethings and it didn`t troubleshooting some problem,
    Please help me, I need to good helper to start navision, ](*,) :(
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    1) Install Navision client
    2) Create new database in Navision client (in single user mode), or copy the Cronus database somewhere
    3) If you created new DB, restore some backup into it (for example backup of Cronus DB)
    4) Install DB Server (copy your license into Server folder if you want another license than cronus)
    5) Through command prompt or MMC console and Navision DB snapin configure the DB Server (set DB path and name)
    6) Start DB server
    7) Check your Event log for errors, warnings and infos
    8) If all is ok, start navision and enter Server name or IP address, do not try to solve problems with "I cannot see the server in server list". Never needed that, never solved it, I do not know customer who needed that (in most cases customers are using Shortcuts with parameters to force users to use correct DB and company)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • BitaBita Member Posts: 46
    Very Thanks Kine, Very Very thanks,
    I do it successfuly without any error or information or warning, but I can not type IP or name in server name yet, I type only path in database (example: c:\nav-db\database.fdb) on server machine, and in client I typed (\\nav-pc\c$\nav-db\database.fdb) in database box, and it works correctly.
    note: nav-pc is my server name.
    if it will not create a problem with the next work that I do in navision, I work on it with this configuration,
    many thanks Kine, \:D/ :lol: =D>
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