Dear All,
My company needs a form that it will be used to filter some fields but they are fields, and put in the tab control. I would like to ask you if it is possible or not. Usually, I find there is a form and in the header is tab control and consists of fields to filter and show the filter results in the subform or a table form. In my case, it will be in the tab control. Your answer and reply are welcome. Tks beforehand.
Note that text variables might not be handy for date fields - pressing W doesn't work. You might rather add two date fields, FromDate and ToDate.
tks for your replt and answer. It means that I can if I create for example :
case 1.
location filter field = blue
x field shows = y
a field shows = t
case 2.
location filter field = red
x field shows = w
a field shows = q
case 3.
location filter field = empty
x filed shows = y + w
a field shows = t + q
all the fields put in the tab control, no table box or subform.
your reply is expected so much. tks beforehand
What I mean here is that I want to create a form contains a tabcontrol. The tabcontrol contains some textboxes with different functions, we call it general the functions are two only that is to filter data and the other showing the data that is filtered. In the tabcontrol of the form I design as follows:
case 1.
item filtering textbox (field) = item A --> to filter a certain item
x textbox (field) will shows = y --> if we select item A
a textbox field will shows = e --> if we select item B
case 2. (same as case 1 situation)
item filtering textbox (field) = item B
x field shows = w
a field shows = q
case 3. (emptying location)
item filtering textbox (field) = empty
x filed shows = y + w
a field shows = t + q
your answer is expected. tks be4hand.
as far as I know, there is no way to tell, which tab on a tab-control, that active (e.g. being shown to the user).
If you look at the properties for a tabcontrol (using F5 and the CurrForm), you will se, that there is no functions or properties for getting this kind of information.
When again - I could hope, someone would tell me wrong on that!
You could solve it the same way the ->3.70 main menu is programmed: Having a number of buttons, each managing a subform (A card form). You might even be able to hide the fact that its not a tab-control for your users/customers !?
Thoms Hviid Thorn
I am sorry that I didn't tell you the tab control name. I will explain it again as follows:
1. form contains a tabcontrol whose 1 tab i.e. general tab
2. form contains field that can be lookup to the item list to filter the wanted item
3. form contains field to select replenishment system (purchase,prod. order) and filter the item based on the selected one.
4. form contains field that show something relate to field for example:
location in which the item exists and then qty per location
5. Also the cost or price can be shown in the cost and price field.
That are what I mean here and I don't understand that it can't be created.